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28 Monks Way AUTUMN 2020 NEWSLETTER I rang to congratulate Archie Ross on his 102 nd birthday on 18 March. He was a Stoker 1st Class at the time of the sinking and lives in Haliburton, Canada. He regularly thanks me for the newsletters. I have spoken to him recently he is now walking much less as his legs are very wobbly. His partner takes him for drives along the string of five lakes south of Haliburton. The casino he used to visit regularly has been shut due to covid and groups are restricted to five during lockdown. Sadly we heard that Richard Laland died aged 98 on 9 October 2019. His funeral was held at the Baptist church in Leicester on 30 October. We sent a wreath from the Association. Standards and honour guard were provided by the RNA and the Leicester Senior Service Club. He joined the Royal Navy in 1937 at HMS Ganges and served in HMS Barham from 1938 until the sinking. He also served in HMS Nelson, HMS Dunedin and HMS Carysfort. He left the Royal Navy in 1947 as a Petty Officer. There is a new coloured version of the HMS Barham sinking film on video on YouTube. The guestbook on our website still has new entries from members of families of those who served in HMS Barham but for whom the Association had never before had any contacts. The copy of Chef Gordon Lumley’s diary for 1936 when he served in HMS Barham has been placed it on our website. I shall only be sending a hard copy of this newsletter to Archie Ross. If you know of anyone without access to the internet who wishes to keep in touch about our activities please tell them about this year’s service and the change of timing. Yours sincerely, Michael Stratton-Brown Chairman |
last updated: 17 November 2020 |
andrew gillespie